Lyndra Lynn Abkühlung mit Kuhdung

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It was a very hot summer day and I was looking for something to cool off. Then it occurred to me that I still had a bathtub full of cow dung. So I made my way to the bathtub. When I was there, I slowly started to smear myself, but it wasn’t enough, because I was still very warm. So I doused myself with a bucket of cow dung. But the stupid thing was that I was still very warm… I then got into the tub full of cow dung to cool down properly and also submerged almost completely with my head, somehow it was so horny that I started to play around with myself. I played around with the dildo and had a lot of fun. But at some point I had enough, so I got my towel to clean myself up and then I left. 

Video Length: 19 Minutes

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